Deals cost money. Getting in touch with the right people shouldn't.
That's where DealMaker Portal comes in. It provides direct access to the professionals at investment firms, the intermediaries who help sellers get in touch with buyers, the banks and lenders that help finance transactions, and the attorneys and consultants who ensure that all the details of a sale are buttoned up tight.
Through a simple, clean search interface, DealMaker Portal allows you to search out buyers and service providers by type, regional focus and industry expertise. Firm profiles include details ranging from target investment size to preferred deal type, as well as a full roster of professionals and their contact information. All of it for free and coming directly from the firms themselves.
But DealMaker Portal isn't just a comprehensive directory of private equity firms and service providers. It's also an information management hub that aggregates the most trusted sources of news from the Web in a real-time, easily accessible format. Want to see the latest headlines related to a firm you're following? They're there. Interested in blog entries and tweets about personnel movements or upcoming deals? The moment they hit the Web, they hit DealMaker Portal.
So whether you're looking for a buyer for your business, an intermediary with the right industry expertise, a banker that really knows your space, or a law firm or accounting firm that's versed in mid-market M&A, DealMaker Portal can deliver.
So save the money you used to spend on finding the right deal participants, and use it to pay the professionals who actually earn it.